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I have been humming and hawing about a new direction for me and my website for over ten years no. Yep, ten years. I still love code—the language, structure, syntax, and logic, the beauty when it’s well-written. But I’ve also always loved the written word.

Since the age of six, I’ve been an avid reader, and I started writing about that same time. Picking out errors in books and articles is a natural extension of that love of words. Each error pains me and lowers my respect for the author. Some books go unfinished because I can’t stand to see another poor choice in words or incorrect tense or spelling mistake.

So, now it’s time to take that love of words and do something with it. I’ve done the research, I’ve taken the courses, I’ve read the books, and I’ve practiced and practiced and practiced some more. Have I perfected my crafts? Nope. I’m always looking for ways to get better. But it’s time to let go of perfect and get things started now. It’s time to play!