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Information Overload!

I am an information hoarder. I’ll download just about anything and file it neatly in my “Online Business” folder. And that’s where it sits. If it was sitting on a traditional bookshelf it would be gathering dust. When I click on a site that offers something new and...

Where did all the ideas go?

When I set up my blog last week I had scads of ideas for posts.  The ideas were whirling ‘round my head so quickly I thought they’d never stop and it never occurred to me to write these ideas down.  But now that I have a place to write about these thoughts…...

Start up! Or so I thought…

Domain Name?  Check.  Hosting solution? Check.  Web knowledge?  Check.  So why did I still have trouble figuring out how to get everything working together?  I’ve written web pages, I’ve created software solutions, I’ve...