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I am an information hoarder. I’ll download just about anything and file it neatly in my “Online Business” folder. And that’s where it sits. If it was sitting on a traditional bookshelf it would be gathering dust. When I click on a site that offers something new and interesting I’m sure it’s just what I need to get me over the start-up hurdle. And it might just be that magic document. But I rarely find out because 93% – yes, I checked – of the downloads in that folder are unopened. Imagine how much farther ahead I’d be if I’d actually opened, read and applied the ideas in these files!

Well that ends now. I’m putting a moratorium on downloading new files until I’ve read through – and used – at least ten of those documents. Other people have worked hard to share their ideas and help me along the way and I’m ready to take their hands and walk with them. I’ll learn from them then add my two cents worth and make it my own.

If I find any that are particularly helpful I’ll let you know where I found them – and hopefully it won’t be too late for you to find it too!